Innovation Fellowships
Supporting the work of innovators with ambitious initiatives to solve problems and bridge divides
Announcing the 2022 Innovation Fellows
Now more than ever, we need the nation’s most talented innovators and entrepreneurs to marshall their best ideas to create and scale intergenerational solutions.
We need new ways to bring older and younger people together to solve problems, bridge divides and create a better future for all. Critical problems — like racial inequality, climate change and social isolation, just to name a few — require all of us working across generational divides.
Our third group of 15 Innovation Fellows, ranging in age from 27 to 75, are bridging generational divides while also fighting for racial and environmental justice, empowering immigrant communities, healing trauma, registering young people to vote, reducing ageism and loneliness, and so much more.
On May 22, we hosted a virtual event showcasing how these 15 innovators are bringing generations together. Watch the recording.
Coordinator, Early Childhood Education Student Advancement Program, Los Angeles Mayor’s Offic
Fellows in the Media
Feeling Lonely? Try Connecting With a Kid
Throwing a Dinner Party for People Coping with Loss and Grief
Her music career stalled out in her 40s. A younger mentor helped bring it back
Thanks to the generous funders of this fellowship:
- The John Templeton Foundation
- The May & Stanley Smith Charitable Trust
- The Eisner Foundation
- The RRF Foundation for Aging
Thanks to the generous funders of this fellowship:
- The John Templeton Foundation
- The May & Stanley Smith Charitable Trust
- The Eisner Foundation
- The RRF Foundation for Aging
Advisors and Coaches
* Amy Clark
Communications, Ashoka U.S.
* Andrew J. Scott
Professor of Economics, London Business School
* Cal J. Halvorsen
Assistant Professor, Boston College School of Social Work and Senior Research Fellow,
* Carol Larson
former President & CEO, The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
* Courtney E. Martin
Co-founder, Solutions Journalism Network
* Chip Conley, Founder
Modern Elder Academy; Strategic Advisor, Airbnb; and Founder, Joie de Vivre Hospitality
* David Hsu
Omidyar Network
* David Vásquez-Levy
President, Pacific School of Religion
* Donna Butts
Executive Director, Generations United
* Eric Liu
Co-founder & CEO, Citizen University
* Gara LaMarche
former President, Democracy Alliance; Senior Fellow,
* Harriette Cole
Senior Fellow,
* Isabel González Whitaker
Senior Fellow,
* Jamal Joseph
Founder & Executive Artistic Director, IMPACT Repertory Theatre
* Jason Marsh
Executive Director, Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley
* Jehan Velji
Managing Director, Blue Meridian Partners
* Jenn Lishansky
Chief Engagement Officer, Be Social Change
* Jennie Chin Hansen
former President AARP, Former CEO American Geriatrics Society
* John Gomperts
former President & CEO, America’s Promise Alliance
* Justin Kaufflin
Jazz Pianist and Composer
* Kate Schaefers
Executive Director, University of Minnesota Advanced Careers Initiative
* Keanne Henry
Vice President, AARP
* Laura Carstensen
Director, Stanford Center on LongevityLester Strong, Founder, The Peaceful Guardians Project; former CEO, AARP Experience Corps
* Lori Broglio Severens
Associate Director, Ascend at the Aspen Institute
* Max Tuchman
Co-founder & CEO, Caribu
* Michelle Hynes
Change Facilitator and Career Coach
* Nancy Morrow-Howell
Director, Harvey A. Friedman Center for Aging, Washington University
* Patrice Martin
Co-founder & CEO, The Holding Co.
* Phyllis Segal
Senior Fellow,
* Ruth Wooden
Program Director, Union Theological Seminary, former President of Public Agenda and the Ad Council
* Robert Egger
Founder, DC Central Kitchen
* Sandro Olivieri
President, Productive; Entrepreneur-in-Residence, AT&T Aspire Accelerator
* Scott Keoni Shigeoka
Creative in Residence,
* Sherry Lansing
The Sherry Lansing Foundation; Former Chair, Paramount Pictures
* Sherry Turkle
Professor of the Social Studies of Science and Technology, MIT
* Susan Gianinno
Senior Advisor, Publicis North America and Chair Emeritus, The Advertising Council’s Board of Directors
* William Damon
Professor & Director, Center on Adolescence, Stanford
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