Innovation Fellow

Marc Freedman Portrait



Co-Founder, Sacred Design Lab
Helping high-impact organizations bring spiritual wellness and intergenerational joy to their work
“Because the biggest challenges of our time are soul-deep, so too must be the solutions. Without efforts to re-knit diverse, multigenerational communities of love and care, celebration and lament, real social change is simply impossible.”

Sue Phillips is relentlessly delighted by liberating ancient wisdom to help solve gnarly problems. She is passionate about inspiring spiritual flourishing, equipping people for meaning-making, and witnessing the transformation that happens when we get all up in life’s biggest questions. She is part business strategist, part design geek, and part monastic.

Sue is the co-founder, with colleagues Angie Thurston and Casper ter Kuile, of Sacred Design Lab, a research and design consultancy that translates ancient wisdom and practices to help organizations create products, services and experiences that uplift social and spiritual lives.

A graduate of Colgate University and the Episcopal Divinity School, Sue taught at Harvard Divinity School, where she is a Ministry Innovation Fellow. She lives in Tacoma, Washington with her wife, Tandi Rogers.