By Gary Hume | Apr 26, 2023
In 1982, when pediatric immunologist Arthur Ammann documented the first known cases of AIDS transmission from mothers to infants, little was known about the disease. Today, more than two dozen drugs treat those infected by HIV, especially in wealthier countries. In...
By Gary Hume | Apr 26, 2023
Nearly ten years ago, Richard and Michele Steckel decided they couldn’t sit by and just watch as people all over the world experienced the mayhem of ethnic cleansing, race riots and hatred. To bridge divides, they sought to chronicle in photographs the humanity...
By Gary Hume | Apr 26, 2023
In 2001, my husband and I moved to Houston from Ohio, where I had spent 10 years running a nonprofit labor management organization. I grew its annual budget from $25,000 to $500,000, including raising $1 million to build a rural elementary school science center and...
By Gary Hume | Apr 26, 2023
In 2000, I was managing a program for homeless runaways in San Diego when I got a call from the sheriff’s department about a 15-year-old girl. She was being prostituted to migrant agricultural workers north of San Diego while her enslavers held her baby boy...
By Gary Hume | Apr 26, 2023
The death of their son on 9/11 brought Elizabeth and Stephen Alderman merciless grief. Soon afterward, they learned in a news report that a billion people around the world had experienced severe trauma. The Aldermans could relate. They understand: Suffering is...