By Gary Hume | Apr 26, 2023
In August 2006, I boarded a plane for Rwanda with my husband, who was conducting a leadership training there. I was 58 and had just retired after 30 years as a psychologist. I met a Rwandan government official whose story changed the course of my life. He was out of...
By Gary Hume | Apr 26, 2023
I’m a psychoanalyst and photographer. For years, I’ve advocated incorporating mental health care into humanitarian work. My nonprofit Cameras Without Borders has used photography as a therapeutic tool to help more than 500 people in northern Uganda and...
By Gary Hume | Apr 26, 2023
In 2001, my husband and I moved to Houston from Ohio, where I had spent 10 years running a nonprofit labor management organization. I grew its annual budget from $25,000 to $500,000, including raising $1 million to build a rural elementary school science center and...
By Gary Hume | Apr 26, 2023
I am Maxine Hong Kingston, 74 years of age. I began taking war personally as a child during World War II. My mother was a refugee from China, where she was a medic during the bombing of Canton. Years later, two of my brothers were in the Vietnam War, and one of them...