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Ellen Galinsky

Ellen Galinsky

Ellen Galinsky, 64, co-founder and president of the Families and Work Institute, brings research to bear on policies and initiatives that affect both changing families and changing workplaces. She has played a pivotal role in creating and developing the field of work...
Jackie Savage

Jackie Savage

As a consultant to North Carolina’s Work First Business Council, a group of the largest employers in the state, Jackie Savage was assigned to help businesses hire former welfare customers. She saw firsthand how poverty and unemployment wreak havoc on North...
Sister Eileen McNerney

Sister Eileen McNerney

In 1992, Sister Eileen McNerney was living with three other nuns in gang-ridden Santa Ana, CA. One night she heard gunshots and then a mother crying over the body of her son, the second child she had lost to gang violence. McNerney resolved then and there to find a...
Kevin McDonald

Kevin McDonald

Years of substance abuse culminating in serious heroin addiction landed McDonald in a Los Angeles jail cell charged with armed robbery in 1979. He was released into a unique San Francisco-based recovery program, got clean, and eventually rose to one of the top posts...
Kenneth Lehman

Kenneth Lehman

After helping run his family’s successful automotive parts manufacturing business for 25 years, Kenneth Lehman came away believing strongly that employment practices that put people first are the key to small business success. Research funded by the Lehman...