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Anne Nolan

Anne Nolan

Nolan was 52 and bored with her 30-year career in corporate management, but she was neither financially or emotionally ready to retire. She just wanted to feel proud and passionate about her work. Visiting a struggling homeless service program, she was inspired by the...
Terry Williams

Terry Williams

Joseph Terry Williams spent 40 years in state health and family services agencies, working to help low-income families. Home ownership is the most effective way to lift families out of poverty, but government aid programs were not designed to help families achieve...
Joan Wylie

Joan Wylie

From her first day as a student teacher and through 30 years in education, Joan Wylie wanted to help disadvantaged students overcome the sense of failure they had from not having learned to read. In 1998, when she was 52, she led a collaborative of teachers focused on...
Ro (Rosalie) Wyman

Ro (Rosalie) Wyman

During a career in finance and banking, Rosalie (Ro) Smith Wyman first visited Rwanda in 1988 and was captivated by the mountain gorillas and the Rwandan people. She wanted to help the country’s health care system recover from the ravages of the 1993-97...
Jane Roberts

Jane Roberts

In 2002, Jane Roberts, a retired California teacher, and Lois Abraham, a New Mexico lawyer, were both angered to learn that President George Bush had decided to withhold $34 million that Congress had appropriated for UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund....