Arthur J. Ammann

Arthur J. Ammann

In 1982, when pediatric immunologist Arthur Ammann documented the first known cases of AIDS transmission from mothers to infants, little was known about the disease. Today, more than two dozen drugs treat those infected by HIV, especially in wealthier countries. In...
Im Ja P. Choi

Im Ja P. Choi

Im Ja P. Choi at times felt helpless as her 85-year-old mother lay in a Philadelphia hospital bed recovering from three surgeries for stomach cancer. She watched in frustration as the nurses tried to communicate with her Korean mother in English. “They said, ‘roll...
Virginia Donohue

Virginia Donohue

My ‘Aha!’ moment came in 1998, when I was 52 years old. I was buying dorm room bedding for Nick, who was in a program for chronically homeless youth. I had helped him get into one of the best music conservatories in the country. I was CFO of a computer...
Barbara Gardner and Ed Moscovitch

Barbara Gardner and Ed Moscovitch

Barbara Gardner and Ed Moscovitch hoped for big changes when they helped write Massachusetts’ 1993 sweeping education reform law. But years later, Gardner, then a state education official, and Moscovitch, a former state budget director, were disappointed by the...
Ed Moscovitch

Ed Moscovitch

On a trip to Alabama in 2004, former Massachusetts state budget director Ed Moscovitch observed a revolutionary approach to help children from poor homes learn to read by providing their teachers with data, coaching and sustained support. Soon after, Moscovitch sat...