Donald Lombardi

Donald Lombardi

Imagine a 2-pound baby in a hospital neonatal intensive care unit with a breathing tube secured to her body with adhesive tape. Later, when the nurse removes the tape, the infant’s fragile skin tears. Or picture a child with hypertension who gags on the...
Caitlin Ryan

Caitlin Ryan

At age 50, Caitlin Ryan decided it was time to pursue a doctorate in public policy. A social worker who pioneered community AIDS programs in the 1980s, she was acutely aware that many in the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community had complicated...
Allen Hammond

Allen Hammond

In 2009, the year he turned 66, Allen Hammond already had a global reputation as a writer, editor, policy analyst and nongovernmental program manager. He was one of the pioneers of the “base of the pyramid” concept, which suggests that the world’s 4 billion poor...
Glenys Carl

Glenys Carl

When a severe head injury paralyzed Glenys Carl’s son Scott while he was visiting Australia in the late 1980s, she became his devoted caretaker. Unlike many in her situation, she had help—hundreds of volunteers who responded to fliers she had posted all over Sydney...