Purpose Prize

Marc Freedman Portrait

The Latest from CoGenerate

5 Ways to Make Your Collaboration with Teens a Success

5 Ways to Make Your Collaboration with Teens a Success

Our task, as we understood it, was to get teen leaders involved in Citizen University’s Youth Collaboratory excited about working alongside adults to create change — what we call cogeneration. As it turns out, teens in the program were already excited about...

Want to Jumpstart a Conversation About Collaborating With Teens?

Want to Jumpstart a Conversation About Collaborating With Teens?

When CoGenerate and Citizen University launched a project to deepen cogenerational ties, our goal was to get teens excited about working alongside older adults to create change.  What we discovered surprised us. Teens didn’t need convincing to work across generations....

Reinventing the American University for a Multigenerational Future

Reinventing the American University for a Multigenerational Future

In an episode of this season of Hacks, the Emmy-winning intergenerational comedy, the older comedian Deborah Vance returns to her alma mater (UC Berkeley) to receive an honorary degree. Shortly after arriving, a video containing offensive jokes she delivered early in...


Ellen Moir

New Teacher Center
Purpose Prize Fellow 2010

Moir works with school districts and others in developing teacher mentoring programs to reduce high teacher turnover rates and ensure quality education for students.

With half of all teachers leaving the profession within their first five years, Ellen Moir, a lifelong educator, knew that new teachers everywhere were being inadequately prepared and poorly supported – leaving students and strapped school districts to pay the price.

Moir turned to her then-employer, the University of California at Santa Cruz, with an idea: Why not pair novice teachers with highly trained mentors? In 1998, mentors began working locally with new teachers to set professional goals; analyze student work and achievement data; provide feedback and assessments; and improve overall teacher performance.

Twelve years later – working with school districts, policymakers and education leaders – the New Teacher Center has grown from a university program providing regional services to a national, independent organization that serves novice teachers in all 50 states. In the 2008-2009 school year, the organization trained approximately 6,300 mentors, who served almost 27,000 teachers. Some participating school districts report long-term teacher retention rates as high as 95 percent.

Moir says developing the New Teacher Center has enriched her life both personally and professionally: “I’ve moved into the next phase of my life by following my passion and calling on the multiple resources and connections I’ve made over my career. My goal now is to see that every student in America has the opportunity to study with an exceptional teacher.”