In an episode of this season of Hacks, the Emmy-winning intergenerational comedy, the older comedian Deborah Vance returns to her alma mater (UC Berkeley) to receive an honorary degree. Shortly after arriving, a video containing offensive jokes she delivered early in...
Purpose Prize
The Latest from CoGenerate
Event Recording: Knowing our Neighbors "Stoop Chat with Jimmy and Shanaya” is a 13-minute, touching, intergenerational conversation between two Brooklyn neighbors, as captured on film. Watch the award-winning documentary, then listen in on a discussion with filmmaker Marj...
Event Recording: Cogenerational Solutions to Social Isolation and Loneliness Young people and older ones are the two groups most affected by social isolation and loneliness. At CoGenerate, we believe the most important solution to social isolation and loneliness is to bring these two groups together. Not as...
Marika Stone
Purpose Prize Fellow 2007
Advocating an alternative vision of the post-midlife years
At the end of successful careers in international publishing and public relations, Howard and Marika Stone chose not to retire, and began new careers as life coach and yoga teacher, respectively. In 1998, they co-founded a website,, to advocate an alternative vision of the post-midlife years, providing ideas and advice about meaningful work and community engagement, and a monthly e-newsletter that now reaches 7,100 subscribers. Then they developed a course and a program to train and certify coaches, social workers, career counselors, and other professionals to act as local facilitators. To date, 126 graduates of the training are bringing the 2young2 retire course into their communities in 30 states, Canada, Australia and Europe. Eighty 2young2retire courses have been given at churches, adult learning centers, alumni organizations, community centers; and for city and state employees. The Stones have published a book, Too Young to Retire: 101 Ways To Start The Rest of Your Life, and speak regularly about their vision of an ageless society in which later life is a time of new possibilities.