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Byron Yake

Byron Yake

In 2005, I was newly retired from a 35-year career with the Associated Press and looking to have a second career where I could make a difference and use the broad background I have in journalism, business and sports. A colleague suggested teaching disadvantaged kids...
David B. Wolf

David B. Wolf

A college education opens a world of opportunities. In 2002, when California’s “master plan” – a guaranteed spot in college for every eligible student – was gutted by post-tech-bubble funding cuts and increasing demand, my encore project,...
Rick Terrien

Rick Terrien

I’m a startup guy. I love creating new markets and new products. Years ago, I was running my first business while raising my kids. I could choose my hours, so I volunteered at meal programs and homeless shelters, along with my kids, who saw firsthand how...
Richard Steckel (1943-2015) and Shelli Steckel

Richard Steckel (1943-2015) and Shelli Steckel

Nearly ten years ago, Richard and Michele Steckel decided they couldn’t sit by and just watch as people all over the world experienced the mayhem of ethnic cleansing, race riots and hatred. To bridge divides, they sought to chronicle in photographs the humanity...