Style Guide


Three-color icon

Indigo (Primary)
CmYk: 92, 45, 0, 55
RGB: 9, 64, 116
HEX: #094074

Three-color icon

Wedgwood (Primary)
CmYk: 60, 30, 0, 41
RGB: 60, 105, 151
HEX: #3C6997

Three-color icon

CmYk: 0, 62, 100, 4
RGB: 244, 93, 1
HEX: #F45D01

Three-color icon

CmYk: 65, 14, 0, 0
RGB: 90, 219, 255

Three-color icon

CmYk: 0, 5, 18, 1
RGB: 252, 240, 207

Three-color icon

Soft White
Use in place of true white when possible.
CmYk: 4, 3, 3, 0
RGB: 241, 241, 241
HEX: #F1F1F1

Three-color icon

Midnight Black
Use in place of true black when possible.
CmYk: 75, 64, 68, 77
RGB: 23, 29, 26
HEX: #171D1A

Brand Language

Shortest description / a phrase

CoGenerate, a national nonprofit connecting generations to solve problems and bridge divides,

One-sentence description / also Mission Statement

CoGenerate brings older and younger people together to solve problems, bridge divides and co-create the future.


A world where older and younger people create a better future together

One-paragraph description

CoGenerate brings older and younger people together to solve problems, bridge divides and co-create the future. Formerly known as, CoGenerate is one of the nation’s leading social-impact organizations dedicated to making the most of our increasingly multigenerational society. We work as a catalyst to shift the cultural narrative and tell a new story about cogenerational action; to support innovators bringing generations together for mutual benefit and social impact; and to build a community of leaders, organizations and funders to scale this work and sustain it.

Find more language, including responses to why we exist and why we changed our name here.





  • CoGenerate Provides several presentation templates to adapt for your usage. We recommend using the Primary Template Slides, but other formats may be useful.
  • All of the templates are available in Google Slides format here. To create a new slideshow using one of these templates, click the icon and a new slideshow will open. (Editing these slideshows will not affect the original template)
  • All templates are available as .PPT documents here.


  • A formatted Google Doc is available for CoGenerate employees as a template here. (Editing this document will not affect the original template)
  • A template Microsoft Word document is available here. (You may need to download our brand fonts to access them in Microsoft Word.)


Our brand fonts are Roboto and Source Serif Pro. Roboto is used for any purpose: title, header, or body text. Source Serif Pro is used for subtitles and body text when multiple fonts are necessarily.


Both Roboto and Source Serif Pro are free for commercial and personal use. They are included by default in Google Docs.

How to install a font

Mac: After you’ve downloaded the font family, double click the .zip file in your downloads folder. Inside the folder, there will be many variations of the font. Open all of them. You will then see a new window with an “Install Font” Button, which will install all of the fonts.

After you’ve installed the fonts, restart any programs you’d like to use the font in.

Windows: After you’ve downloaded the font family, right click the .zip file and select extract to reveal the font folder. Inside the folder, there will be many variations of the font. Select all of them, right click and select install. If you’re prompted to allow the program to make changes to your computer, click Yes.

Virtual Backgrounds

Download any of these CoGenerate-branded virtual backgrounds to spruce up your next Zoom meeting.

Social Media

CoGenerate runs social media accounts on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Youtube.







Find more information in the complete style guide.