Dawn M. Blackman Sr.

Dawn M. Blackman Sr.

I was a city girl who had worked in a family catering service and in restaurants, but I did not know a thing about gardening. Then, in 2003, I started gardening with 10 neighborhood children. At the time, I had a dress shop on the footpath between my church and their...
David Tice

David Tice

I believe our youth are our future. TrueSpark gives kids a road map to navigate life’s journey. They learn creativity and curiosity instead of apathy, integrity and generosity in place of greed, courage and love instead of fear, empathy and forgiveness instead...
David B. Wolf

David B. Wolf

A college education opens a world of opportunities. In 2002, when California’s “master plan” – a guaranteed spot in college for every eligible student – was gutted by post-tech-bubble funding cuts and increasing demand, my encore project,...
Murelle Harrison

Murelle Harrison

I was reared on a farm in a poor, rural area, but my parents taught me and my seven siblings that family, hard work, education and belief in God were the stepping stones out of poverty. It worked for us, and I believe it will work in Gardere. The Gardere Initiative...