Cogeneration: Is America Ready to Unleash a Multigenerational Force for Good?
We commissioned NORC at the University of Chicago to find out what Americans think about cogeneration — a strategy to bring older and younger people together to solve problems and bridge divides. NORC used its AmeriSpeak panel to survey 1,549 respondents, aged 18 to 94, online and by phone, in March 2022.
The findings show deep interest in cogeneration. They also reveal obstacles to acting on this interest, the surprising issues each generation selects as top priorities for cogenerational action, and which adults are most eager to get started.
Beyond Passing the Torch: Recommendations on Leveraging Age Diversity to Build a Stronger Democracy Now. A study from Generation Citizen, the Millennial Action Project, and CoGenerate.
The Power and Promise of Intergenerational Collaboration: Insights into intergenerational and cogenerational programs on college campuses by N.J. Pierce for Campus CoGenerate, a partnership between Campus Compact and CoGenerate.​
See all research from CoGenerate
“America’s growing age diversity represents an extraordinary opportunity to come together in joy, understanding and action.”
Co-CEO, CoGenerate
Stanford Research Demonstrates Power of Purpose of 50+ Adults
The Pathways to Encore Purposes Project, a research collaboration of the Stanford Graduate School of Education’s Center on Adolescence and CoGenerate, provides:
1. New insights on the prevalence and the nature of purpose among 50+ adults in the U.S.
2. Ideas for how encore leaders can apply the research findings to their work
3. First ever documentation of the growing landscape of encore programs