Jenny Bowen

Jenny Bowen

One Saturday morning in 1996, screenwriter Jenny Bowen saw a photo in The New York Times that stunned her: It was the face of a little Chinese girl, one of thousands abandoned and languishing in the country’s understaffed and under-resourced welfare institutions. She...
Dana Dakin

Dana Dakin

At age 60, after a successful career in investment marketing, Dana Dakin was ready to hold to the maxim that life is lived in thirds: first you learn, then you earn, then you return. So in 2003, she traveled to Ghana, a country she studied as an undergraduate, to find...
Vivian Lowery Derryck

Vivian Lowery Derryck

While spending a summer in Cote d’Ivoire, West Africa, in college, Vivian Derryck witnessed firsthand how girls like the daughters of her neighbor Fatamatou worked in the fields while boys attended school. The experience inspired her long career in international...
Douglas M. Johnston

Douglas M. Johnston

By his late 50s, Douglas M. Johnston, a distinguished Naval Academy graduate and former director of policy planning and management for the Office of the Secretary of Defense, was considered a leading thinker on faith-based diplomacy. And he was author of several books...