By Gary Hume | Apr 26, 2023
I always wanted to use my MBA to develop business solutions for nonprofits, but I ended up working as a stockbroker, and later, a journalist and producer. When I met Danielle, a woman half my age with a charity that targeted women shea-nut harvesters in Ghana, I knew...
By Gary Hume | Apr 26, 2023
I served as a judge for 25 years, after two decades as a trial lawyer. Over my 25 years on the bench, I witnessed a disturbing transformation: More people who came before me were struggling, financially and economically; more were single parents; more and more...
By Gary Hume | Apr 26, 2023
I was a city girl who had worked in a family catering service and in restaurants, but I did not know a thing about gardening. Then, in 2003, I started gardening with 10 neighborhood children. At the time, I had a dress shop on the footpath between my church and their...