Duncan Campbell

Duncan Campbell

One night when Duncan Campbell was 3, he went looking for his parents. Police found the couple at a bar. Through boyhood and adolescence, Campbell felt he was raising himself. Somehow, he fought against his disadvantages and eventually established a successful...
Bhagwati Agrawal

Bhagwati Agrawal

Stopping on a dusty, unpaved village street in northwest India’s Rajasthan in 2007, Bhagwati (B.P.) Agrawal saw children excitedly running around calling, “Pani aagayaa.” They were alerting everyone that the water tanker had arrived with its twice-a-month delivery....
Charles Dey

Charles Dey

At 64, after a career in education and a record of starting programs to ensure equal educational opportunities, Charles Dey was ready for his next career. His long-time friend Alan Reich, who founded the National Organization on Disability (NOD) years earlier when an...
Adele Douglass

Adele Douglass

In the late 1990s, Adele Douglass was appalled and morally outraged by the rampant mistreatment of farm animals in the United States. In 2003, determined to make change, she created the nation’s first process to certify – and inform consumers – that...