By Gary Hume | Apr 26, 2023
Every year, rabies kills more than 55,000 people, more than 50 percent of them poor, rural children in Africa and Asia bitten or scratched by infected dogs. Deborah Briggs knows the statistics well: She serves on the World Health Organization Expert Committee for...
By Gary Hume | Apr 26, 2023
In the 1970s, Arlene Blum led the first women’s mountain-climbing teams up the icy slopes of Denali and Annapurna. She still leads Himalayan treks, and she’s also ascending the steps of the state capitol to reduce toxic chemicals in consumer products. Blum...
By Gary Hume | Apr 26, 2023
After a career with drug manufacturer Merck & Co., Daniel Luhata Shungu retired in 2002 to focus on eradicating onchocerciasis – also known as “river blindness” – a parasitic disease associated with irreversible blindness, severe itching, reduced life span,...
By Gary Hume | Apr 26, 2023
Pediatric surgeon Dr. Barbara Barlow went to work at Harlem Hospital in 1975, eager to serve children who had little hope for surgical care because of limited ability to pay. She was appalled at the fatal injuries she saw that were easily preventable – burns,...