June Barrett

June Barrett

Each year, an estimated 1.7 million people sustain a traumatic brain injury (TBI), and 80% are released from the hospital. What happens once they leave? As Tennessee real estate developer June Barrett discovered in 1981 when her then 14-year-old daughter Lori suffered...
Susan McWhinney-Morse

Susan McWhinney-Morse

After a career in marketing and fundraising, Susan McWhinney-Morse was haunted when her mother-in law, after being placed in a nursing home, said, “Here, I’m just an old woman. I’ve lost my identity.” In 2002, at age 69, McWhinney-Morse and a...
K. Rashid Nuri

K. Rashid Nuri

Nuri, 61, worries that industrial agriculture breeds a host of problems. In his view, the industry’s practices are unsustainable; allow produce to lose nutrition during transport; lead to a scarcity of quality, fresh food in urban areas; and punish the...