Gloria White-Hammond

Gloria White-Hammond

A Boston-area pediatrician for nearly 30 years and a pastor for 15, Gloria White-Hammond traveled to Sudan in 2001 as part of a faith-motivated “slave redemption” mission, in which the missionaries purchased the freedom of 6,700 slaves. Though this liberation tactic...
Shana Swiss

Shana Swiss

In the late 1980s at a Boston hospital, physician Shana Swiss treated a refugee woman with 19 stab wounds. The brutality made Swiss realize she wanted to do more for this patient than sew up her horrific wounds. “I had to do something to stop violence against women,”...
Michael L. Smolens

Michael L. Smolens

Early in his career in the garment industry, the St. Louis-raised Michael Smolens took his first trip abroad to the southern Philippines. The trip influenced his life’s direction, and he spent the next 30 years doing business with emerging economies. After 9/11, he...