Allen Hammond

Allen Hammond

In 2009, the year he turned 66, Allen Hammond already had a global reputation as a writer, editor, policy analyst and nongovernmental program manager. He was one of the pioneers of the “base of the pyramid” concept, which suggests that the world’s 4 billion poor...
Glenys Carl

Glenys Carl

When a severe head injury paralyzed Glenys Carl’s son Scott while he was visiting Australia in the late 1980s, she became his devoted caretaker. Unlike many in her situation, she had help—hundreds of volunteers who responded to fliers she had posted all over Sydney...
Sondra Forsyth

Sondra Forsyth

By the late 1990s, Sondra Forsyth had been teaching ballet to affluent students for decades and worked at studios in two of Manhattan’s toniest neighborhoods. “I loved my students, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that my true purpose in life was to share my...