John Nelson

John Nelson

John Eric Nelson had always worked in community development and environmental preservation and was frustrated at the way most nonprofit groups faced an erratic funding stream from foundations and government grants. In 1998, at a Rockefeller Foundation gathering on...
Joyce Dearstyne

Joyce Dearstyne

When Joyce Dearstyne retired in 1995 as a corporate manager and small business owner and moved from New Jersey to Idaho, she did not find the idyllic life of her retirement dreams. Tiny Elk City stands deep in rugged terrain in the Nez Perce National Forest, isolated...
Jane Wholey

Jane Wholey

A professional media consultant, Jane Wholey had long been frustrated by New Orleans’ dismal school system, where 75 percent of 8th graders scored “below basic” in English and ten superintendents had passed through in ten years. In the wake of...
Kathy Eldon

Kathy Eldon

Kathy Eldon’s work was born out of loss. Her son, Dan, a photojournalist on assignment in Somalia, was stoned to death by an angry mob in 1993. He was just 22. As a teenager, Dan had helped support a Masai family and led a group of international teens to deliver...
Dana Dakin

Dana Dakin

At age 60, after a successful career in investment marketing, Dana Dakin was ready to hold to the maxim that life is lived in thirds: first you learn, then you earn, then you return. So in 2003, she traveled to Ghana, a country she studied as an undergraduate, to find...