Your guide to building cogeneration connection
Your guide to building cogenerational connection
Hands-on tools to encourage thoughtful conversation between generations
Jumpstart a conversation about collaborating with teens — a video and conversation guide
Intergenerational Conversations: A facilitator’s toolkit by Changing the Narrative
1:1 Conversation Across Generations: A guide by Braver Angels
Generations Over Dinner: Gather multiple generations around the table
Circle of Chairs: A digital folk dance
Koreatown Storytelling Project: Cooking to recover communal history
Hands-on tools to encourage thoughtful conversation between generations
Case studies
Lessons from cogenerational programs with successes to share
CASE STUDY: How Can You Make Your Collaborations with Teens a Success? → To use this video to start a conversation, try these discussion questions. Who Citizen University, a nonprofit based in Seattle, equips...
CASE STUDY: Do Intergenerational Tutoring Pairs Create Better Outcomes?
Who Ampact is a nonprofit organization that runs evidence-based AmeriCorps programs in three focus areas – education, environment, and healthy futures. They operate in 16 states, training more than 3,700 AmeriCorps members and serving more than 50,000 students each...
CASE STUDY: Can Younger and Older Pairs Improve Outreach to the Unhoused?
Gina Quiroz (left) and Ana Arce work as an intergenerational pair to get people housed. Who Generations United for Service, a program of the Northern Santa Barbara County United Way, is an age-diverse volunteer network that engages AmeriCorps members to serve homeless...
Making the case
Research and essays documenting the benefits and effectiveness of cogeneration

“Whatever the idea or project you come up with, combining the olders and youngers is just so positive. We’re not trying to change each other’s minds. We just listen and hear each other out. I think positive interactions between the generations – in person – are so important. It’s a win-win.”
Founder of Mamaw Mentorship in Eastern Kentucky
Videos to start conversations
Thought-provoking content that gets the wheels turning

“Young people have tremendous cultural power, and older people have tremendous material power. If you can combine those two things, it can transform society.”
CEO, BridgeUSA
Recommended reading
Insights, strategies and practical tools from experts
Essential Resources for Socially Connected Communities
Climate Anxiety Intergenerational Resources Guide
Bridging Differences Playbook
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