Purpose Prize

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Chad Wick

KnowledgeWorks Foundation
Purpose Prize Fellow 2006

Empowering Communities to Improve Education.

As President & CEO of the KnowledgeWorks Foundation, Chad Wick, 63, wants to transform the American public school system and increase the number and diversity of those who receive a high quality education. In Ohio, KnowledgeWorks Foundation is collaborating with other organizations on an array of initiatives designed to address specific challenges in the state’s public schools. The foundation works to integrate education from preschool to post-secondary levels with the idea that connecting the separate systems of education will lead to better educated students who graduate from high school and go on to college in greater numbers. Through the Ohio High School Transformation Initiative, Wick is working to redefine the state’s struggling urban high schools by tossing out the “one size fits all approach” and dividing existing schools into several smaller, supportive, academically rigorous schools on the same campus. Another program, Early College, is designed to allow students to graduate from high school with both a high school diploma and a college associate’s degree.