Purpose Prize

Marc Freedman Portrait

The Latest from CoGenerate

5 Ways to Make Your Collaboration with Teens a Success

5 Ways to Make Your Collaboration with Teens a Success

Our task, as we understood it, was to get teen leaders involved in Citizen University’s Youth Collaboratory excited about working alongside adults to create change — what we call cogeneration. As it turns out, teens in the program were already excited about...

Want to Jumpstart a Conversation About Collaborating With Teens?

Want to Jumpstart a Conversation About Collaborating With Teens?

When CoGenerate and Citizen University launched a project to deepen cogenerational ties, our goal was to get teens excited about working alongside older adults to create change.  What we discovered surprised us. Teens didn’t need convincing to work across generations....

Reinventing the American University for a Multigenerational Future

Reinventing the American University for a Multigenerational Future

In an episode of this season of Hacks, the Emmy-winning intergenerational comedy, the older comedian Deborah Vance returns to her alma mater (UC Berkeley) to receive an honorary degree. Shortly after arriving, a video containing offensive jokes she delivered early in...


Barbara Gardner and Ed Moscovitch

Purpose Prize Fellow

Barbara Gardner and Ed Moscovitch hoped for big changes when they helped write Massachusetts’ 1993 sweeping education reform law. But years later, Gardner, then a state education official, and Moscovitch, a former state budget director, were disappointed by the limited results. On classroom visits, Gardner saw children who were “disengaged or barely listening as the teacher droned on,” she recalls. “That experience and the image of bored faces and stale environments was my moment of revelation. I kept thinking, ‘There has to be a better way.'”

Inspired by a revolutionary approach Moscovitch observed in Alabama that was helping children from poor homes learn to read, he and Gardner launched the Bay State Reading Institute in eight Massachusetts schools in fall 2006. The institute provides teachers with coaching, sustained support and data on individual students to track progress. In the institute’s view, students should be tested often and taught in small groups suited to their skills.Seven years later the program is in 43 schools, with 17,000 students taking part. The gains in literacy by third-, fourth- and fifth-grade students at the institute’s partner schools are three times higher than those made by students statewide.

At one school in a low-income neighborhood, every third-grade student scored at the proficient or advanced level in both reading and math — the only third-graders in the state to do so. And at participating schools, both behavior problems and referrals to special education are down by as much as 40 percent. In 2010 the U.S. Department of Education awarded $5 million to the Bay State Reading Institute to expand its programs.